Legal notices

  1. Presentation

Publication manager: Nicolas Martin – – +212 6 80 86 42 82

Site creator: Niijah Agency –

Host: LWS

2. Confidentiality

Contact form

It does not store any information in the database. The information is only transmitted by email to the contact address of Le 37. The information entered is used as part of a request for information and the commercial relationship that may result from it. No statistics are made from your personal data. Your data is not redistributed to third parties. Le 37 does not regularly send promotional communications or other solicitations of its own initiative.

User account

Visitors to the site are not given the opportunity to create a user account on the site. There is no possibility to leave comments or save a profile.

Audience statistics and measurements

Le 37 uses the Google Analytics tool to establish statistics and audience measurements. This data is anonymous and is not used for commercial purposes.

Rights to your data

The website does not have any files containing personal data. This does not take into account data stored for administrative, legal or security purposes. Under data protection legislation, you have rights in relation to your personal data, including the right to request access to it, its correction, deletion, restriction and transfer, and the right to object to their processing.

Data retention

We will retain your personal data only for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes we collected it for, including for compliance with any legal, accounting or reporting requirements.

Respect for intellectual property

All photographs and images used come from our private library or are royalty-free. Any use to the contrary would be accidental and unintentional on our part. If necessary, please inform us by email. Photos © Jean-Marc Gourdon, Thomas Renaut, Le 37, VPA (A_HOCQUEL, N. TARDIEU), D.R., Unsplash.

3. Cookies


A “cookie” is a piece of information stored on your computer that records how you navigate a website, so that when you return to that website, the website can offer you tailored options based on the stored information. regarding your last visit. Cookies may also be used to analyze traffic and for advertising and marketing purposes.


Browsing the site results in the installation of cookies on the user’s computer. The data obtained aims to facilitate navigation on the site and is also intended to enable traffic measurements. Refusing cookies may result in it being impossible to access part of the content of the site. You can refuse acceptance of cookies by deactivating them in your Internet browser settings.